
OZAWA Seiji "On Conducting"

This book is based on the TV program once NHK(Nihon Housou Kyoukai) sent out in 2009.
It is called "100年インタビュー(Hyaku-nen-interview)",an interview with a leading Japanese person in the various genre. And it aims at being still interesting after 100 years to come.

 Ozawa is one of the great conductors in the world today.

 In this book, the maestro tells us what he thinks is conducting.

OZAWA Seiji "On Conducting"
(小澤征爾:語り 『小澤征爾 指揮者を語る』)
PHP研究所, 2012


About this book

About him


Ask Leon!

Have you ever watched the movie "Hitch"?
In the film, men ask Hitch how to attract women.
The guy played by Will Smith is always cool.

If you want to be a guy like him in Japan, get Leon!
This is one of the most popular magazines here in Japan, which has good tips for men staying cool.
The monthly magazine gives us a wide variety of information about clothes, watches, bars, hotels, cars,  and etc.

More about Leon:

About the cover guy, Panzetta Girolamo:



月刊誌"LEON (レオン) No.157" 2014年11月号
"Shufu to Seikatsu sha co.,ltd.(主婦と生活社 2014)


You can live a rosy life

Do you want a stressless life?

What is your worry? Dr.Tomabechi will help you to resolve your problems.

In this book there are 50 FAQs that will be helpful for your better life.

These are the tips on the easier life.

He says " To live better, change yourself. How? View from the different angle. To do so, change your taste and feelings about anything. For example, what to wear, how to speak, who you go out with or what  you take in the morning."

About the author:

ISBN 978-4-391-14018-7
Hideto Tomabechi 苫米地英人
"Bara-iro-nou 薔薇色脳"
(Shufu-to-seikatsu-sha 主婦と生活社 2011)


Your beliefs become your thoughts

Mahatma Gandhi once said,

                                                     Your beliefs become your thoughts,
                                                     Your thoughts become your words,
                                                     Your words become your actions,
                                                     Your actions become your habits,
                                                     Your habits become your values,
                                                     Your values become your destiny.”

Mr.Sato himself became rich by his unique method.
He says that his words became his good destiny in the end.  
Since his childhood, he talk big about himself.
When his friend asked him what kind of woman you'd liked to get married,
he said "I'll definitely marry an actress."
It became true shortly afterwards.
With his experiences and his study, he is certain that the habit of saying has great influence on the consequences. Your words plays a really important role in your life.     

Now he's no longer with us.
Till the end of his life, he has enjoyed himself.
He loved hunting, motorcycling and sailing boat.
He was a living example of  good life.

SATO Tomio "Be happy with your habit of saying"(Kodansha 2003)
佐藤富雄『ツキを呼ぶ「口ぐせ」「思考ぐせ」』(講談社 2003年)


Yosui, a legendary japanese singer and wonder

It is a great pleasure to be contemporary with such a wonderful man.
First, look at the picture below.
Judge by his appearance.
Don't you feel something extraordinary?
Since 70s he's been a great and influential singer and songwriter in Japan.
Beginning his career as a folk singer who was shocked by Bob Dylan, he has affected many people by his addictive lyrics.
They are quite different from other pop singers'.
For example,  one of his huge success "I have no umbrella (Kasa ga nai)"starts like this.
There are great increase in youth's suicides here in this big city
according to the newspaper today.
But what matters to me is just that I have no umbrella.
He's still going strong.
He gives us great live performances every year.
Travelling all over Japan, Yosui sings us songs, which lead us to the unusual world.   

About this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7TCf1csQeQ
About this CD: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%BC%BE%E3%81%8D%E8%AA%9E%E3%82%8A%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%B3-%E4%BA%95%E4%B8%8A%E9%99%BD%E6%B0%B4/dp/B001AWUCCI/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1389532175&sr=1-3-fkmr0&keywords=hikigatari+passhonn


The Otaku King's Introduction to Buddhism

If Steve Jobs had been born in Japan and was into Otaku culture, he must be like this man.
This man, MIURA Jun, has deep insight based on Buddhism into Japanese culture.
Not only a famed illustrator and manga creator in Japan, he often tells us with a sense of humor the new perspective to life.
 This book is about how he's been interested in Buddhism and how we can apply the principles to our life.
For example, he felt " the impermanence of worldly things" when he dropped his precious China Statue of Buddha on the floor and it went into smithereens. The fact that even powerful being like Buddha is inevitable to die affected his way of thinking, he says. 
Now here in Japan, a lot of people are looking for the answer about who I am.
But the author thinks different. He insists that losing yourself is the best way to live a happy life. 
 Not focusing on yourself, you should see the world around you.
You'll find many attractive people there and feel something that is not found in you.
Serendipity is the key to happiness.

ISBN: 978-4-10-610421-3
MIURA Jun"My Buddhisim"(Shincho  2011)
みうらじゅん(新潮新書421 2011年)

IF you want to buy this book, visit http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E4%BB%8F%E6%95%99-%E6%96%B0%E6%BD%AE%E6%96%B0%E6%9B%B8-%E3%81%BF%E3%81%86%E3%82%89%E3%81%98%E3%82%85%E3%82%93/dp/4106104210

Further information about the author;


What is the key to dress well?

Which do you want to be, person in stylish suit or in shabby one? 
Walking the crowded street in Tokyo, I wonder why some are cool in their clothes and the others are not. Even in a T-shirt, this man looks nice, but that man looks poor. The same kind of purses held by the different women make me unlike impression.
Mr Miyazaki is a famous gentleman as a buyer. He works for Matsuya Department Store in Ginza. He is a specialist in male clothes. His project"Ginza-no-otoko-ichi(「銀座の男」市)" has been very successful since 2002. The twice-in-a-year show has been surprising many of japanese fashion professionals and customers for the gap between price and quality. It is said that in the two week session they sell 500 million yen.

There are 60 tips in this book for you to be dressed well. They are not hard to follow. The size matters. Maintenance is important, etc. In short, he suggests that we should get the right clothing and take care of it.

MIYAZAKI Shunichi "60 Tips to be dressed well"(Kodansha 2011)
宮崎俊一『成功する男のファッションの秘訣60』(講談社 2011年)

About the author;