
You can live a rosy life

Do you want a stressless life?

What is your worry? Dr.Tomabechi will help you to resolve your problems.

In this book there are 50 FAQs that will be helpful for your better life.

These are the tips on the easier life.

He says " To live better, change yourself. How? View from the different angle. To do so, change your taste and feelings about anything. For example, what to wear, how to speak, who you go out with or what  you take in the morning."

About the author:

ISBN 978-4-391-14018-7
Hideto Tomabechi 苫米地英人
"Bara-iro-nou 薔薇色脳"
(Shufu-to-seikatsu-sha 主婦と生活社 2011)