
The Otaku King's Introduction to Buddhism

If Steve Jobs had been born in Japan and was into Otaku culture, he must be like this man.
This man, MIURA Jun, has deep insight based on Buddhism into Japanese culture.
Not only a famed illustrator and manga creator in Japan, he often tells us with a sense of humor the new perspective to life.
 This book is about how he's been interested in Buddhism and how we can apply the principles to our life.
For example, he felt " the impermanence of worldly things" when he dropped his precious China Statue of Buddha on the floor and it went into smithereens. The fact that even powerful being like Buddha is inevitable to die affected his way of thinking, he says. 
Now here in Japan, a lot of people are looking for the answer about who I am.
But the author thinks different. He insists that losing yourself is the best way to live a happy life. 
 Not focusing on yourself, you should see the world around you.
You'll find many attractive people there and feel something that is not found in you.
Serendipity is the key to happiness.

ISBN: 978-4-10-610421-3
MIURA Jun"My Buddhisim"(Shincho  2011)
みうらじゅん(新潮新書421 2011年)

IF you want to buy this book, visit http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E4%BB%8F%E6%95%99-%E6%96%B0%E6%BD%AE%E6%96%B0%E6%9B%B8-%E3%81%BF%E3%81%86%E3%82%89%E3%81%98%E3%82%85%E3%82%93/dp/4106104210

Further information about the author;


What is the key to dress well?

Which do you want to be, person in stylish suit or in shabby one? 
Walking the crowded street in Tokyo, I wonder why some are cool in their clothes and the others are not. Even in a T-shirt, this man looks nice, but that man looks poor. The same kind of purses held by the different women make me unlike impression.
Mr Miyazaki is a famous gentleman as a buyer. He works for Matsuya Department Store in Ginza. He is a specialist in male clothes. His project"Ginza-no-otoko-ichi(「銀座の男」市)" has been very successful since 2002. The twice-in-a-year show has been surprising many of japanese fashion professionals and customers for the gap between price and quality. It is said that in the two week session they sell 500 million yen.

There are 60 tips in this book for you to be dressed well. They are not hard to follow. The size matters. Maintenance is important, etc. In short, he suggests that we should get the right clothing and take care of it.

MIYAZAKI Shunichi "60 Tips to be dressed well"(Kodansha 2011)
宮崎俊一『成功する男のファッションの秘訣60』(講談社 2011年)

About the author;


A new book by Inamori Kazuo: Posses a fighting spirit!

Do you know who he is?

His name is Inamori Kazuo. He is a big shot here in Japan. Because he is successful in the business world and shows us his unique and useful philosophy. At first, he became famous as the founder of Kyocera corporation. Second, as the founder of KDDI. And finally, as the chairman of Japan Airlines(JAL).  

To the Japanese surprise, though he was an outsider of the airline industry, he achieved his goal to direct JAL resuscitation only in three years.  He has a reputation as a skillful management.       
Here is the twelve principles by Dr.Inamori.
Clearly state the purpose and mission of your business.
Set high objectives that are noble, just and fair.
Set specific goals.
Once targets are set, share them with all employees.
Keep a passionate desire in your heart.
Your desire must be strong and persistent to penetrate into your subconscious mind.
Strive harder than anyone else.
Work steadily and diligently, one step at a time, never relenting in tedious tasks.
Maximize revenues and minimize expenses.
Measure your inflow and control your outflow; don't chase profit, but let it follow your effort.
Pricing is management.
Pricing is top management's responsibility: to find that one point where customers are happy and the company is most profitable.
Success is determined by willpower.
Business management requires a persistent, "rock-piercing" will.
Possess a fighting spirit.
Management requires a more combative mentality than any martial art.
Face every challenge with courage.
Be fair and never deceive others.
Always be creative in your work.
Innovate and improve continuously. Today should be better than yesterday; tomorrow, better than today.
Be kind and sincere.
Business is based on partnerships and must bring happiness to all parties.
Always be cheerful and positive; hold great dreams and hopes in the pureness of your heart.

I hope these will help you.
INAMORI Kazuo"Possess a fighting spirit"(Mainichi-Shinbunsha 2013)
稲盛和夫『燃える闘魂』(毎日新聞社 2013年)


S and S

Two gentlemen wrote this book.  Mr.Sato and Mr.Shibata used to work for the same university as English teachers. Since then, their bond has been as hard as rocks. They're like brothers.
The well-known professors alternatively talk about books, music and their lives. These intelligent guys are really good at showing how they enjoy pop culture and lead us to the brand new world.   
Though they are enough smart, there's no affected way of talking. As if they were old friends of ours, the authors give us tips to live a happier life. So just sit back and be relaxed to see their show.    

                                                                    Don't think. Feel!

ISBN 978-4-309-02200-0
SATO Yoshiaki, SHIBATA Motoyuki"Sato-kun to Shibata-kun no Gyakushu!!"(Kawadeshobo 2013)
佐藤良明 柴田元幸『佐藤君と柴田君の逆襲!!』(河出書房新社 2013年)


Do you have the bucket list?

Do you have the bucket list?

Robert Harris is one of the most unique and individual Radio hosts here in Japan. In his show, he spends much time entertaining the listeners with his stories about his own unusual experiences.
Finishing high school, he traveled all over the world. There he met many exciting people; hippies, gamblers, vagabonds, etc.,etc. At the end of the six-month journey, he was at a loss what to do when he went back to Japan. One day he found a magazine at a hotel and read it. He was curious about the article which had the title, "The bucket list, 100 dreams to do before I die ." It was written by an adventurer, who made the list and made it come true.

"If I make the list like him, my life might be better", he thought.

He started to write down what he wanted to do. Soon he completed the list. It had 100 dreams. Though he didn't know why, it had the power to let him feel free. He felt relieved and encouraged by his own list. It's my life, my own life. He was sure where to go. 
ISBN 978-4-06-281205-4
Robert Harris "A List of Hundred Dreams"(Kodansha+αBunko 2008)
ロバート・ハリス『人生の100のリスト』(講談社+α文庫 2008年)


How to meet a favorite Japanese book

I'll tell you how to find a favorite Japanese book among so many.  

As a college student I read a lot.
Almost all the books were about what I majored in: architecture and literature.
I would go to the library everyday and borrow  some books on the nearly same subjects.
I would go the bookshops everyweek and buy many books, which had plenty of topics, but they were within the territory.
Thinking about it, I had a cup of tea with a Greek and Latin professor.
May I ask a question?
Of course. 
What would you say to a Japanese beginner if he or she asks you how to find a good book?
I often had that kind of question from my students. I gave them two ways.
One is to visit the nearest and the biggest bookshop. Spend all day and explore there.You'll find unfamiliar but attractive books.
The other way is to get brochures from the famous publisher; "Tosho『図書』(Iwanami-Shoten岩波書店)", "Nami『波』(Shinchosha新潮社)","Chikuma『ちくま』(Chikuma-Shobou筑摩書房) and so on. They have many ads and many good essays. I love to read them. 
Since then many years have passed. And now I love to read the monthly publications, too.
As the teacher said, they are full of gems of essays.

 "Tosho"(Iwanami-Shoten 2013)
『図書』(岩波書店 2013年)


Buy my book?

What do YOU want?
"Greed is good" Gordon Gekko once said. If you've seen the movie, Wall Street, you already know the destination of greed is far from the happiness. Then, how about burning desire? Desire is, in other word, an ideal that you want to be successful: achieving your goals after making plans and taking massive actions. Do you think it will help you to live a happy life?

The author insists that Japan is not as good as what it used to be in economy. On the contrary, the Asian countries like China or South Korea are going strong. What's behind the difference between us and them? The answer is simple:the lack of ideal.
This book ends with a quotation:
Ask not what your country can do for you,
ask what you can do for your country.
ISBN 978-4-569-80692-1
YANAI Tadashi "Genjitsu-wo-miyo"(PHP 2012)


A cloudy and fine day in Paris

Have you ever been to Paris?
With a typhoon approaching, it was cloudy last Sunday.
I woke up earlier than usual, opened the window, and noticed  the grey and extraorinary clouds in the sky. Something is weird. I sense clarity there. The atmosphere was full of transparency.
I went down the stairs. With such fresh air, I suddenly wanted to go far away. I couldn't help.
After 5 minutes' walk, I dropped by a convinence store. I was in front of a lot of magazines. One of them attracted me. It was love at first sight.  
Who can resist this cover?  A perfectly fine day with the Eiffel Tower. A boy and a girl are walking to the left, smiling. I could see a river running, some trees and a few cars but there was no soul without them. I also liked the blue sky and the white and grey cloud. 

I read many articles about Paris in this magazine. A lot of pictures were helpful to know a lot of shops and restaurants there. I felt as if I were in Paris too.
POPEYE magazine No.798(MagazineHouse 2013)
ポパイ  10月号(マガジンハウス)


Enrich your life with a newspaper

Do you like to read a newspapaper article?
I hope so. For I'd like to show you one of Japanese newspapers.  
This is Tokyo Shinbun, a local and daily newspaper in Tokyo.("Shinbun" means "newspaper" in Japanese) You may be surprised to see that it is in print, not on Ipad or Kindle. Of course you can enjoy electronical papers here in Japan, but I do love this edition. 
Anyway, the newspaper have about twenty pages. They consists of articles and pictures about politics, economy, international affairs, life, sports,TV programmes and weather forecast. Under the articles, there are many ads, which are about books, magazines, travel and so on.    

Tokyo Shinbun (Chunichi-Shinbun Tokyo Honsha)
To subscribe, call 81-0120-026-999.
or visit www.tokyo-np.co.jp

For a person who searches the world for the real japanese readings

Do you have anyone to help you to do something new? 
If the answer is "yes", you're already wealthy in human resources.
Whichever your answer is, today I'd like to introduce a book to you, which will aid you to lead a greater life with the Interet.

The book shows us some tips to change your life with the Web, especially by begining a blog.
For example, Katsuma says "Be strange and unusual because the readers wants information which is not around them." The good blogs have articles that is never seen on TV or stories that is never heard in the reader's life. The guests will be surprised at the news the superior bloggers tell.

"Have you ever heard of the blog? "
"I have and I love to read some articles by my favorite bloggers", you may answer.
"Me, too" I will answer. "I write some stuffs on my blog"
"Oh, you do?" 
Yes, you're now completely different from what you were.
That's the spirit! 
KATSUMA Kazuyo "Medatsuchikara" (Shogakukan 2009)
勝間和代『目立つ力~インターネットで人生を変える方法~』(小学館 2009年)