
For a person who searches the world for the real japanese readings

Do you have anyone to help you to do something new? 
If the answer is "yes", you're already wealthy in human resources.
Whichever your answer is, today I'd like to introduce a book to you, which will aid you to lead a greater life with the Interet.

The book shows us some tips to change your life with the Web, especially by begining a blog.
For example, Katsuma says "Be strange and unusual because the readers wants information which is not around them." The good blogs have articles that is never seen on TV or stories that is never heard in the reader's life. The guests will be surprised at the news the superior bloggers tell.

"Have you ever heard of the blog? "
"I have and I love to read some articles by my favorite bloggers", you may answer.
"Me, too" I will answer. "I write some stuffs on my blog"
"Oh, you do?" 
Yes, you're now completely different from what you were.
That's the spirit! 
KATSUMA Kazuyo "Medatsuchikara" (Shogakukan 2009)
勝間和代『目立つ力~インターネットで人生を変える方法~』(小学館 2009年)

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