Have you ever been to Paris?
With a typhoon approaching, it was cloudy last Sunday.
I woke up earlier than usual, opened the window, and noticed the grey and extraorinary clouds in the sky. Something is weird. I sense clarity there. The atmosphere was full of transparency.
I went down the stairs. With such fresh air, I suddenly wanted to go far away. I couldn't help.
After 5 minutes' walk, I dropped by a convinence store. I was in front of a lot of magazines. One of them attracted me. It was love at first sight.
Who can resist this cover? A perfectly fine day with the Eiffel Tower. A boy and a girl are walking to the left, smiling. I could see a river running, some trees and a few cars but there was no soul without them. I also liked the blue sky and the white and grey cloud.
I read many articles about Paris in this magazine. A lot of pictures were helpful to know a lot of shops and restaurants there. I felt as if I were in Paris too.
ポパイ 10月号(マガジンハウス)